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Green Bonds Advisory
Market Intelligence, Research, and Analysis
Capacity Building and Training


CFA Society Boston’s mission is for its members to promote the highest ethical standards, best practices, and professional development within the investment industry to educate and build trust in the community it serves. With the help of Responsible Alpha CFA Society Boston has been able to stand true to its mission by holding two Sustainable Investing Conferences. Through support in organizing, sponsorship, and a member of the team being on a panel for natural capital, Responsible Alpha was able to help enable CFA Boston Society to hold a conference that discussed the importance of a multitude of different factors that make up sustainability, ethical standards, and best practices within the investment industry.

Solution and Impact 

Through two Sustainable Investing Conferences, professional members of CFA Society Boston were able to learn, engage, and communicate with fellow members, key stakeholders, and professionals within the investment industry. The topics of discussion included social impacts in private markets, natural capital, DEI code, carbon assets, and the green impact of electric vehicles. Through these conferences thought leaders, practitioners, and asset owners were able to provide practical advice and share experience-based examples and insights which has led to CFA Society Boston’s Sustainable Investing Conferences becoming a leading venue for exposure to innovation and best practices in investment management.


Our efforts supported deepening institutional investor capacity regarding themes related to green bonds, ESG, biodiversity risks and opportunities.

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