Responsible Alpha Moderating Decisions in Forestry: A Foundation from Indigenous Points of View

April 24, 2024
Responsible Alpha is proud to supporting the moderation of this upcoming Society of American Foresters event on Indigenous views on forestry in North America. Across the U.S and Canada, there are hundreds of federally recognized Native American Tribes and First Nations that are working to regain forested land while upholding practices that are unique to a modern forestry setting. These practices recognize the important relationship with the land and are vital to the culture, health and economies. Hear from panelists about unique approaches to sustainable land management, the cultural importance with the ecosystem, and the role certifications play in their forest management. Leaders speaking at this are:
Ron Waukau, Menominee Tribal Enterprises.
Gwen Bridge, Global Indigenous Governance Leader and Natural Resource Scientist, Board member, Responsible Alpha.
Tom Kain, Senior Manager for Forest Management Certification Markets
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
You can register for this excellent event here.