Responsible Alpha Announces Dr. Mike Kroll Joining Board of Directors

June 25, 2024
Responsible Alpha is pleased to announce that Dr. Mike Kroll has joined our Board of Directors as group treasurer. Mike is a Director for Responsible Alpha leading on multiple initiatives. Dr. Kroll has more than 8 years’ experience in quantitative research and financial risk consulting for various asset managers and banks advising on close to $1 billion in sustainability-linked capital. He has worked with and managed projects in the areas of regulatory reporting and financial modeling where he advised a multinational reinsurance company on the implementation of IFRS17, intensive examination of the regulatory requirements set out in CRD, CRR, including credit, market and operational risks as well as reporting requirements, and examined a subprime business model and formulated KPIs and KRIs to monitor business wind-down processes.
He has the following certifications and skills:
Certificate in Operational Risk Management, Institute of Operational Risk (IOR).
Compilation Basics for Macroeconomic Statistics, International Monetary Fund (IMFx)
Climate Change: Financial Risks and Opportunities, Imperial College Business School (ImperialBusinessX)
Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience, (UNEP and PEDRR)
Advanced project management skills in both agile (Scrum) and traditional approaches, including monitoring and status reporting.
He is skilled in C++, visualizations in Python, MATLAB, and Mathmatica.
He is a CFA Level I Candidate.
During his doctoral studies in Physics at Ruhr-University Bochum, he developed a strong understanding of mathematics and quantitative modeling. Mike has lived in Brazil, Kenya and the United States. He is fluent in German and English, and speaks Portuguese.